Different Generations

Do you know from what generation you belong to?

The Greatest Generation is where those born before 1928 belong to, they who fought and won (or lost) World War 2.

The Silent Generation are the people born from 1928 through 1945. They are also known as the “Children of the Great Depression and World War 2”. They are said to be “silent” because most of them are conformists and has a striking contrast with baby boomers.

The Baby Boomers are those born after World War 2 and around 1964, when the birth control pill was first introduced to the market.

Generation X are those born from 1965 to 1980. They are also called the GenXers.

Millenials or the Generation Y refers to those born after 1980. They grew up during the time of the World Wide Web.

Generation Z are called digital natives or those born from 1995 onwards. These young folks grew up in time social media. They can also be referred as the ‘Google generation.’ If you want to know all kinds of fender rumble series they are the resource people to go to.

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