Category Archives: Music

Looking for a Guitar Case

Our youngest daughter might go somewhere North next month for a few days of seminar together with other grade schoolers from other schools.

This early we are planning on her bringing her guitar and so we are on the lookout for a sturdy guitar case for her.

Right now, the daughter is adding to her repertoire on what to play for this seminar, just in case she gets to play in front of an audience.

Trumpet Concerto

Listening to classical music is relaxing, like the Trumpet Concerto featured below.

Classical music does not just put one to sleep as some might think it does, but it makes workout better due to increased productivity and motivation. Here’s why.


There are times though that I prefer to work with noisy, upbeat music though.





Tight Strings

Our youngest child brought her guitar to school the other day for her music class.


The strings have been pulled tight and it was a good thing that none broke. Her classmates are also interested in learning how to play the guitar and she said that some of them would likely go see string instruments at musicians friend this weekend.

As for the strings, she never found out who tighten these out.


I love using inner ear earphones.

In fact, my youngest daughter, when she used earbuds, she never wanted to use the “conventional” earphones again. My current earbuds is a pair of Audio-Technica ATH-CKF300.

This pair (from my photo blog, Photo Stories) used to be my earbuds.

in ear earphones

Having earbuds though doesn’t stop me from looking at earbuds at Guitar Center for new earbuds to buy. Just in case.

I like to have a pair that is water proof though for outdoor use.

Happy or Sad Songs

Do you prefer to listen to happy songs or sad songs?

Box Face

For me, the choice depends on the mood I am currently in. if I am sad I’d rather listen to happy songs to perk up my mood and disposition.

Sad songs make me cry. Even those played live using just Roland keyboards or even an acoustic guitar never fails to bring tears to roll.

What is it with sad songs then that people listen to these and people write such songs?

Sad songs make us listen to words that we would rather not speak nor listen to. Sad songs represent the hurt, the pain, the sentimental part of ourselves that we would rather keep to ourselves than let others know.

What is your favorite sad song?

What is your favorite happy song?