Tag Archives: Facebook privacy settings

Another Post About Facebook

I wrote a lot about Facebook here. Some are just fun posts but some are serious posts about privacy or the lack of it.

Yes, like Twitter (add me up! LOL) Facebook gives users the ability to post updates as often as they want. Some are TMI (too much information) while some updates are downright annoying. Yeah, who needs to know you need to pee or just ate a cow dung?

For others, like me, Facebook is a perfect place to share new articles written, links that can help others and photos/videos that can tug the heart strings.

For me, it is a a venue to share with my relatives the photos and accomplishments of my children. It is also a place where we have “meetings” and where everyone pitches an idea that will help each other.

For some of our family and friends, they get to share with us clips and photos of their personal achievements, whether they won in a sports wearing their equestrian helmets, or accomplished a marathon, or even bagged that medal for an art contest. I’m sure first time to walk videos are one of the most commented videos with family groups.

For long-lost school friends, non-stop chatter on old school photos are a source of laughter and nostalgia.

I am sure there are many more worthwhile experiences we have experienced by joining Facebook. Let me just be clear with one thing though, please value your privacy while in Facebook.

Facebook: People Tagging Others With Their Merchandise

Facebook has got to be THE one for the books in terms of having the most number of subscribers. Everybody and his aunt are on Facebook, even pets, jejemons and attention-seeking people. Especially attention seeking people.

In all its intricacies and simplicity, good points and bad, Facebook is a great repository of links, helpful or not, happy or sad. People ogle at their friends’ travels, baby photos, status updates on what they are currently doing at the right time and begin to get engrossed in a virtual world that seem to be happening in real life. Aminin!

At times, Facebook feels like people are back in high school, boasting about how many friends they have, whether or not they know these people personally or not.

Facebook has become a place to chat, keep up, brag, give one’s POV on the latest happenings around the world or just plain updating on things that are important like family, significant milestones and changes.

Judging by how people seem to congregate to this Social Media, it is but right to assess how much one can get involved and how one should let other people get involved in their accounts.

For me, the key ingredient in interacting with people in Facebook would be PRIVACY. This is one of the reasons why I was not easily accessible in Facebook early on when I signed up because I’ve set my profile to not get friend invites from people. I instead was the one requesting people to be friends with me. Looking back, this was kinda pathetic but hey, at least I get to choose who I get to see in my time line. Read more »