Tag Archives: health care

Nutrition and Family Economics

I have always believed that a healthy family has more chances of having a better quality of life than a not-so-healthy family.

Nutrition and Economics


  • a healthy family do not get sick often and are not prone to having absences at work and from school
  • a healthy family that do not regularly get sick save up on hospital bills, medications and loss of income
  • a healthy family can engage in activities that will even make them stronger and healthier

Perhaps you have heard of the saying: “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”. Now why would you want to “waste” your money on medication and doctor’s fees when you can use less than that amount you have to shell out in getting healthier choices, having a better lifestyle and getting the right nutrition from the right kinds of food that will not give you the chance to make you obese?

Would you rather spend your hard-earned money on medicating your physical  symptoms (which by the way, if you are sick, you won’t be able to do the work you are supposed to do) or would you rather spend your hard-earned money with things that will make you healthier?

The choice is yours.

More reading materials here on Family Economic and Nutrition.

For Real

For the nth time, I’m telling myself I should go on a diet because of a rather unpleasant happening this afternoon.

“That” was the last straw that broke the camel’s, errr, I mean MY back. Sorry, too embarrassing to tell.

I’ve been lazy for the past few months. Even I sometimes get tired of being too tired to do anything. Day after day I’d tell myself, “put on those shoes, groove to the dance moves you almost perfected last summer, start hooping once again and stop sitting down doing nothing the whole day.”

Should I start only when I feel faint due to lack of air and exercise? Should I start when I need to have bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?

I’m turning a new leaf starting tomorrow, not for vanity’s sake but for my health. For real.

Facial Skin Care

There are so many facial creams that aim to do a lot of things to the skin: cleansing, exfoliating, removing or preventing acne, anti-aging, whitening and/or giving a rosy glow.

Knowing what works best for your skin is the best choice.

For me though, the best acne treatments are those that use natural ingredients and not chemicals.

Natural fruit oils and extracts like those from lemon and grapefruits, honey, oats and milk are best especially for the young teens like my daughter.

Of course, it helps to eat these healthy food too 🙂