Organizing a get-together can be a bit toxic but can be lots of fun too.
Imagine contacting friends you haven’t seen for a long time, catching up on what’s new and synchronizing busy schedules for a meet-up are added bonus. Sure there would be hassles along the way but that is just a part of the process.
‘Tis the season for reunions: elementary classmates, high school chums, college buddies, loving (and otherwise) relatives, and all kinds of affiliations and clubs and what-have-you groups that find excuse to get together and have fun.
How should the next reunion be organized next? For some, they assign another person who would be in charge of directory submission, a list of contact details: mobile numbers, email addresses, home addresses and other nitty-gritty details like name of spouse and child(ren).
Having these details would be handy for networking purposes, just do not be eager in asking everyone to buy something from you or sign up as a downline in some networking sites. That is so NOT good and do not be surprised if you get uninvited to the next get-together
It is great to see people you grow up with and just have fun hanging out without the usual peer pressure of old. One word of advice though; do not drink too much lest you get a loose tongue and prattle all your heartaches that are best buried in memories