Tag Archives: school supplies kit at home

School Supplies Box

We have a school supplies box at home. This does not 100% guarantee we don’t have to run to the nearest bookstore for an emergency need but it pretty much covers what the children need to bring to school on a short notice:

  • 1/8 and 1/4 illustration board
  • pencils
  • erasers
  • pens of varying colors
  • bond papers of varying sizes
  • colored papers, craft papers, art papers
  • crayons
  • markers of different colors
  • tapes like masking tape, clear tape, packaging tape and Mat tape.
  • scissors, cutters
  • glue
  • folder and brown envelopes of different sizes

The kids have their own supplies that they bring to school too. I know this is kinda expensive but it is more expensive to go to a school supplies store than just to look if we have what they need in that box.