Shern’s Mom tagged me to do 7 Weird Things About Me.
The rules are:
– Write 7 weird things about you
– Link back to the one who tagged you
– Tagged 7 others and inform them that they are tagged.
Weird Me (some things about me when I was a student) :
- I used to memorize the lessons/important concepts which are very useful when the teachers give tasks asking us to “Define the term…”
I used to have scraps of paper where I re-write down my notes prior to tests. I carry these wherever I go. - During high school, I had a tutor coming over to our house to teach me algebra and physics. Did that make a something of an expert? No, not at all! Those were not my good grades in college
- In college, because my dorm bed was near a window, I used to study until the sky has darkened already and I haven’t turned on the light. That got my eyesight more blurred.
- Back in college, I had a run-in with a group mate for the thesis because I refused to write his name with ours (another classmate’s and I). Why? I felt he was not doing his best, nor contributed his share of the work. I even redid what he has done. Weird or perfectionist or just “plain rude”? He used to call me “dominante” or the dominant person.
- In grad school, we (my friends and I) always, with a certain professor, sat in the back of the classroom and enjoyed eating finger foods while the professor wasn’t looking. We didn’t like the “old ones” who sat in front and laughed so loud like there’s no tomorrow. Now I’m the same age as them and I think I laugh like how they used to laugh back then. Weird.
- During grad school I found it weird that almost all reports I had to make, almost all research topics given to me or even those I chose were almost always about communication disorders. (And ever since I started working as a special ed teacher, I have worked with speech-language therapists.) Weird coincidence or my “fate”?
I enjoyed looking back at how I was and what I did way, way before. Now i am tagging the following bloggers:
Era, Gelliane, Larawannabe, Sharon, Liza, Napaboaniya and Wirelessbliss.
If you have done this tag, my apologies
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