One of the things that children are taught are the things they don’t have to ask other people. Why? People are sensitive when the topic about their weight, age, religion/beliefs and financial status.
For women, the issue about age and weight are sensitive topics. Women try to hide their age or avoid answering the question about age as mush as possible. I know, because sometimes I do avoid answering this question these days. I have not been ashamed to broadcast my age when I was younger and my colleagues are older than I am.
The issue of weight is also another sensitive matter among other things. Why so?
Well-meaning people suggest ways to reduce or lose weight to those whose weight are way over the ideal weight. So what do they suggest? Exercising, drinking only water and warm tea, trying Stacker, eating more raw food like fruits and vegetables, and a host of other suggestions that are well-meaning though these struck a sensitive chord in the other person’s mind.
So the next time one sees a friend who has gained weight, pause before commenting on the weight. Who knows, there might be a deeper underlying reason why there was a significant weight gain.
As for the age, we can’t stop aging process so let’s leave it at that. It’s just a number anyway