The rainy days are here again (well,at least in this part of the world). This season is a welcome relief to some unless of course the rains are as what is called “torrential” and the howling winds able to uproot trees with trunks as wide as four men’s arms linked together.
So the late Weekly Question is about food. Yes…. food.
What is your comfort food during the rainy season?
My answer:
Rainy season = cold, cold days and teeth-chattering chilly nights.
Having a bowl of hot soup after being out in the rain never fails to win me over. Sinigang, nilaga, or even creamy soup are all welcome
Coffee? Well, yes, the aroma alone makes me feel homey and I would rather go back to bed than wake up and go to work, lol!
What warm food do you like to have during rainy days?