Our wedding “VHS tape” is somewhere in the library gathering dusk and whatever musky things that stick to things like it.We still have a VHS player somewhere (or have I thrown it away?) with a Formula1 VHS stuck inside. There’s no way we can watch that wedding tape for sure unless we look for services being offered about these things.
We are looking for services that will help us “recover” the contents in that VHS tape. I know it’s bound to be expensive but I believe memory is priceless. Our digital photos are stored not just in our computers, there are also online copies as well as copies in EHD. The hubby has also “burned” these in DVDs for easier viewing. He also does dvd duplication so we have multiple copies.
The problem with these digital copies is that even if one tries to have multiple copies, there seems to be glitches unexpectedly. There are times I miss the old days when we all have hard copies of our photos, even if we have to wait for a few days to a week before these are printed