Tag Archives: celebrity

“Don’t Discriminate”, says BB Gandanghari during the Bloggers Meet And Greet

Saturday afternoon we had the chance not just to meet and greet BB Gandanghari but to ask questions as well. This was made possible by Filipina Images (specifically Noemi and Dine)and the Philippine Online Chronicles or the POC.

For those who are wondering who BB Gandanghari is, she is now the persona known formerly as Rustom Padilla. Yes, that handsome matinee idol.


BB is articulate and she answers questions straight to the point. She has a sense of humor too and not to mention a great fashion sense.

I asked whether BB if there were any face-to-face in your face nasty remarks thrown at her and she said that she is happy that nothing like that has happened. The only “nasty” remark said was when she used the female restroom in one of the hip places in the Metro.

He thanked us bloggers for taking time out to see her for whatever reasons we have and to ask questions and for meeting her in person.

One of the things said that captured my interest was this line: “Change is good”

And to that I say, yes, change is good.