Weekly Question 3
What were your favorite books as a child, specifically in your elementary school years?
I was quite fortunate to have some books as a child since I was an only child till I was 12 years old. I clearly remember my Cowboy and Dolls Around the World (wearing different costumes) coloring books. The Cowboy coloring books had lots of photos about life in the farm/ranch and I remember coloring one arm differently from the other arm, or one pant leg differently from the other one (chuckles).
For reading, I had Bible picture books and Science Encyclopedia. I also had a lot of hardbound storybooks from the USA, given by relatives. I love reading these books with many wonderful pictures and adventures in different countries. These books are still in my parents house.
In school, I used to love reading the Golden Book books/series in the library, especially the fairy tales or those with Disney characters.
Now that I have three children, I make sure that they have lots of books to read which I get from bargain bookstores
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