Tag Archives: contents of a survival kit during calamities

Haiyan or Yolanda is Scary

Haiyan Source: http://www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/wb/sat_images/satpic.jpg

SOURCE: http://www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/wb/sat_images/satpic.jpg

How to prepare for a super typhoon:

  1. Listen to all the warnings and if your area is going to e hit real hard, do preemptive evacuation immediately. Loss and damage to properties is not what you need to be concerned with but the possible loss of lives.
  2. It will do you good if you listened and participated in disaster drills being done in the workplace or school.
  3. Prepare a survival kit for you and your family as you also secure important documents and papers.

More tips in this article I wrote a few months back.