Talks about a possible career path with the young people I work with sparked up an interest in a retrospect of “what I wanted to be when I grow up” episode for me.
Full of enthusiasm, I plunged into the corporate world a few months after graduation. I of course expected to see modern office furniture, well-lighted cubicles, visits to the varied restaurant branches the office has and friendly officemates.
I was wrong.
Instead, the office was in a cramped old home of the restaurateur with not so adequate light, demanding boss and almost non-existent space to move about without stepping on someone else’s toes. Save for the free lunch, I decided to quit and be something else rather than a pencil pushing corporate slave.
Looking back (again), I think if I stayed on, I would have been still on a corporate ladder, making my way up steadily one step at a time. But then again, I wouldn’t be able to meet these wonderful children and their families that I have worked with for several years now.
And I wouldn’t trade that for anything the corporate world will offer me