Tag Archives: teaching

I Can Draw But. . .

Being a teacher had me teaching myself how to draw. I can do basic drawing well enough for my students to know what these are.

Is there is one thing that I really do not enjoy drawing? Yes, there is and that would be clocks. Yes, clocks for telling time.

I have told myself countless times that I really, really need to have clocks (without the hands) made out of custom rubber stamps for easier usage but guess what, I haven’t even tried to look for someone who can make these things or asked about it in my favorite school and office supplies store.

Oh, that small bucket of rubber stamps with the alphabet, numbers, and a whole lot of noun and verb words that I have is very useful when I am too lazy to draw but no clocks there, not even one 😀

School will be starting in a few weeks and I know I have to get just ONE clock on a rubber stamp so I may not have to draw pages after pages of these clocks.