Splog or spam blogging is a menace. Sure it links to your posts and may even up blog’s links. But in truth, these are fake blogs. These fake blogs copy the first few sentences from blogs and post these in their site with some links going to where the posts were copied. Some popular topics covered are about gambling, poker, home mortgage and even parenting.
Here is an example of splogging which I have removed the link attached to the permalink (the permalink is linkless ) :
I Wear My Sunglasses At Night » Zenni Optical Glasses | iwearmysunglassesatnight.sunglassesbargain.com/2008/02/22/zenni-optical-glasses | IP:
[…] unknownnHBifocal lens, tinted sunglasses, sunsensor, progressive and single exteroception lense are offered. The Best Thing Found: Zenni Optical add sells internationally and candid to the customers the drug eyeglasses so the prices are not … […]
When I clicked the link, the splog site was gone. Instead, I found this:
The website you are trying to view has been suspended due to a breach of our Acceptable Use Policy.
Anyway, what can be seen when the link is clicked is my post. Yup, this is a repository of posts written by other bloggers, aiming to achieve high search engine result through the use of keywords and links found in posts written in blogs. These rake in money from pay-per-click ads.
Click these articles to read more about splogging:
The Guardian’s Cashing in on Fake Blogs
Wired’s Spam + Blogs = Trouble
Mark Cuban’s A Splog Here, A Splog There…
Maria Langer’s Google, Adsense and Splogging