I didn’t know that it was “fiesta” where we live. Fiesta means when the Catholic faithful flock to the church to celebrate a saint’s special day. Then households prepare food for the visitors who will visit them.
It was a nice weather yesterday and I can hear shouts of laughter and cheers as children play games on the street somewhere in the vicinity where we live. I wanted to go out and watch them and perhaps take photos but the bum in me decided to not go out under the scorching sun. Hubby and I did go out, as the sun was setting, to go to mass. Yes, we stayed in again, since the kids are not here and there seemed to be no reason to go anywhere (if they are here, they prefer to stay in too) since we have everything we need in the house, food and new DVDs
Here is a sunset photo that I took as I stepped out of the front door:
By the way, I have started a no fuss, no frills weekly meme called Weekly Questions (and you can read my first entry by clicking the Weekly Question 1 post on my left sidebar under Recent Posts). To those interested to join, please click here.
Thank you and have a great week
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