Ok, those two words above sound almost the same (at least to me). So what is a keffiyeh and what about Dunkin’ Donuts (DD) coffee? I just came across this term when I was reading the posts about this topic. All I know was it was probably called a scarf, a big scarf.
A keffiyeh is a checkered scarf, more known and seen being worn by Moslems. No surprise there because we have seen some personalities associated with the religious group, or even those who do not belong to the group but tries to blend with them, wear this. A variety or maybe a more popular variety is the red and white checkered one.
Michelle Malkin raised a ruckus when she wrote a blog entry about Rachael Ray wearing this keffiyeh in a DD ad. Pamela Geller wrote about it first. So what happened next? DD pulled out the ad. Yep, it did, and this is the link.
This here is another link.
Me? I’m outta here. I will just sleep off a sudden craving for donut, any glazed donut
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