We are loyal Faber Castell products users. No, they are not paying me to say so.
There are different kinds of pencils to choose from.
When the children were starting to write, they used grip pencils to help them hold the pencils properly.
Now that they are older and are able to write better, we use the #2 pencil, usually the green color because I can’t stand the color orange.
The children also use the Faber Castell erasers.
And the Faber Castell colored pencils.
Ok, you got my drift.
One of the company’s products that we love are the sharpeners. We have had several sharpeners from them but these are either lost or misplaced. The older ones are still being used but when they have a new design, we just have to get one or maybe two.
See? No mess when the pencils are sharpened.
Check out one page of the Faber Castell site here and our homeschooling site here and see the colored pencils on both sites
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