The Cinderella Murder by Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke
I may have read perhaps 90% of Mary Higgins Clark’s books starting with the first book, “Where Are the Children”. I have read some of her daughter’s books too along with a few they co-authored. This was a first time I have read her book with a different co-author, Alafair Burke. It feels odd to do so, just like it felt odd reading another author writing for Lawrence Sanders’ McNally series.
The Cinderella Murder, another whodunit from MHC is a good read. Set in California, far away from the East Coast where most of MHC’s plots were located, this book still delivers the punch one wouldn’t expect. As an avid fan of her work, I was able to guess right who the murderer was but there were two circumstances that I got wrong: about the necklace and about REACH. What’s it about? I recommend that you read the book.
I felt the authors should have given a bit more time about Susan while she was still alive for the readers to get more ideas on what she was before she was murdered. It would have provided more understanding on the reason why she was killed. Though the plot unfolded this in bits and pieces, it would have been wonderful to get to meet her.
Book is recommended to readers who like this genre.