Tag Archives: declutter

Saving Time and Energy

An organized home saves you time and energy.


  • A clutter-free living space makes get your things organized. You don’t need to sort through many things just to be able to find a coupon or a receipt needed for a transaction.
  • An organized home will make the homeowner feel efficient and cut down time spent doing actual work.
  • An organized home is more often than not a clean home where harmful substances do not lurk to pounce on unsuspecting prey.
  • Dust if you must.
  • Schedule a clean up day and get rid of junk.
  • Clean as you go, a way for multi-taskers to organize their homes. Instead of checking your Facebook account while the laundry is cleaning itself, why not dust here and there, wipe the kitchen counters or sweep the floor.

You’d feel relaxed in an organized home. Doesn’t it feel good if you go to bed or you go home from a hard day’s work with all clutter gone?

That includes the used dinner plates which are calling out my name at this instance, haha.