Mitch tagged me to do a Things-To-Do memetag:
First off, I am a full-time working mom with two workplaces.
My insanely busy schedule has me going to a specialized intervention center within a business center from Monday – Wednesday. I bring along my two younger kids with me because they home school. From Thursday – Saturday I also have work but this time, I do it in my husband’s family’s house, a few minutes from where we live.
Yeah, apart from the travel time that seem to take forever, and workload which includes endless reports and dealing with parents like this one, I have to do the following:
- manage the household chores (we have no maid) which includes cooking, doing the dishes, cleaning up, tidying here and there.
- take care of the kids’ needs which include: giving them a bath or supervising their hygiene needs, preparing the food and important things to bring where we go. I try hard to teach them good and basic discipline and proper behavior while I manage their lessons while I’m teaching.
- clean the house and I mean really clean, not just tidy up
- de-clutter the home office
- rest
I do need some rest, do I? Multi-tasking is my middle name, aside from teaching.
And how would I rest when blogging is so much fun? I just wish those who tag me to do memes will not feel bad when i do these after a few weeks
I am not tagging anyone in particular but feel free to do this meme to remind you of how much work needs to be done and by that alone is enough to make one feel tired. Yes, I get tired just thinking about the things I have to do.