Tag Archives: third party apps

Third Party Apps in Facebook

Annoyed with those third party apps in Facebook? Yes, these are your friends’ game scores, newly acquired farm necessities, flowers, gifts, pillows, relatives, calendars, pokes and a list so long I could not possibly name a tenth of.

Oh, here is a page that lists down these third party apps in Facebook.

Ok, I admit, I used to take quizzes and take on challenges but I rarely publish my results. There.


Built to work with existing operating systems third party applications are programs made by or written by people who are not the provider of the operating system.

When I see one appearing on my time line, I click HIDE. I don’t want a cluttered timeline. I am more interested in updates than in scores, thank you very much.

I have also written before that contacts who will tag me with products they are selling would be “marked” and be warned. Not even neutrogena skin id reviews and a free tube will make me change my mind about not hiding these updates.

Are you getting annoyed with these third party apps in Facebook? What are these apps that get in your nerves?