I’m not surprised that the Philippines is #7 in the Top 10 Countries in terms of the number of Facebook Users.
Everyone and his aunt, dog, cat, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, thumb and toe has a Facebook page. Celebrities have even multiple Facebook page and one never knows if the page he/she liked is the official one.
I kid you not about everyone having a Facebook page.
Just by looking at the “fan pages” that my eldest daughter has “Liked” and many more making up new pages for others to like, we are slowly but surely making our way on top. With icing to boot
Seriously, the time spent reading status updates, clicking on the like button if one does not have anything to say, looking at the photo albums of friends, virtual and in real life, former classmates, former office-mates, former neighbors and all things former, takes a lot of time away from real work.
I even think Facebook is a blog killer but that is entirely another post to write about.
What else suffer when people spend waste time just doing Facebook?
- productivity with work
- socialization with others in real life
- person-to-person interaction
- house chores (of which I am guilty)
- the EGO because one feels inferior when he/she sees that former classmate who used to struggle with the class lessons now living in a big house with a sportscar. And what about that former office-mate who… never mind.
I installed Chrome Nanny to regulate my Facebook usage and I deliberately ignore the “call” of Mozilla Firefox where I can still access Facebook. Sometimes I give in to the temptation of logging in through Firefox but last week, I steer cleared away from Facebook and Twitter.
The effect? I was able to watch more episodes of my favorite tv series, hahaha!