Tag Archives: web tools

Our Little Online Biz

Aside from blogging, the hubby and I engage in a little online business. We have several friends’ online accounts and some of hubby’s corporate clients in our roster. We don’t really earn from this little biz but from what little we get, this is enough to cover for monthly expenses which include my sites since I am not paying, lol.

Not much problem since we started except one that has to do with our friend. The problem’s resolved for now, I hope it won’t resurrect again and have us scratching our heads and tsk-tsking where we went wrong.

I’m not saying we are the best web hosting provider in this little corner of our universe but no one’s complaining. Yet 😀

New Theme


Second day of our three-day weekend break.

We just stayed in. We were supposed to go to a car show but the children preferred to stay home. We were supposed to go to church late in the afternoon but hubby has slept and we didn’t wake him up.

After dinner, hubby changed my blog theme:


A refreshing new theme for Greenbucks.Info which I think I will have for now.

He also changed the other GreenBucks blog’s theme. There was a lot of tweaking here and there for this other one.



I hope everyone feels refreshed after the weekend. This Monday is a holiday today and we will enjoy this day by going to a children’s party in the afternoon. After I work with two of my students.

4th Philippine Blogging Summit

The 4th Philippine Blogging Summit or iBlog4 is on.

When: April 26, 2008

Where: Malcolm Theater,  College of Law, University of the Philippines in Diliman

Details here.

Register here.