Rainy season is at its full blast. Rains in the morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon are common happenings these days. I still have to get my groove back and establish a routine of going out for a walk in the mornings when the kids are fetched by the school service at the ungodly hour of 5:30am. But I haven’t started yet because I only go to the gate to open it for the kids to go out then it is either back to bed or go online or do a bit of house chores for me.
Been looking at treadmills at the department store but whatever kind of tug and turn I’d do, budget won’t allow for that. I must make that a priority once the roof repair netbook new camera semestral tuition fees are all settled. If not, I might have to settle for a rain gear so that I don’t have any excuses if in case it rains