Is it the end of blogging as Social Media and Microblogging sites gain momentous popularity?
Let me rephrase that, is blogging so 2006, said with emphasis on soooo and with rolling eyes? (this was the year I started blogging, LOL). Did people lose their passion for blogging?
Should I get my tumblr account then? I already have a Facebook page for my teacher blog and am thinking of doing another Facebook page for my other blogs. Nah, probably not yet but if blog traffic don’t improve, I might do that soon, if only it drives traffic to the blogs. Real traffic and not spam comments.
Years ago, when bloggers were still a source of honest-to-goodness-unbiased-and-not-given-freebies-and-tokens-to-create-buzz-marketing reviews of everything from restaurants, products, resorts, colon cleansing, spa, hotels and products and services, blogs were revered.
Now, people are more discerning and can sniff a real review from a not-so-real one. I’ve got people asking me about this because they’ve read the same contents in blog posts from one blog to another.
Netizens, especially the younger generation have too little attention span to read or write blogs so they love the 140 character status updates of Twitter -> to please follow me there: TeacherJulie (why, they even make this as a public announcement for friends to avoid spending on sms, ), the status update in Facebook and the reblogging and copy-pasting in Tumblr.
I’d stick to blogging. For now.
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