DreamWorks Animation and City of Dreams Manila is building the first ever DreamPlay Center.
DreamWorks Animation Builds DreamPlay
Posted in For Information, Philippines, Urban Living, Visualizations
Simple Recipes
I have a food blog and in it I share simple recipes that I cook for the family.
Here are a few of the recipes I’ve posted:
Tropical Fruits Medley Smoothie (Perfect for summer!)
Hope to see you there!
Posted in For Information, Fun Finds
Tagged simple recipes
For me, one of the perfect gifts to be given (and to receive of coursed) would be watches.
Why watches? Because a watch means time and for me, time is one of those more important factors in life that we need to cherish.
There are many watches to choose from and sometimes people do not just choose a brand that is affordable. Most people choose a timepiece that will last them for a long time.
I think I need that Ladies Link watch 😀
Posted in Fun Finds
Mini Shell Eco-Marathon Car
A week and a half ago, we went to visit the 2014 Shell Eco-Marathon for half a day of fun and learning new things.
This is a photo of my husband’s hands (L) and my son’s hands (R) starting to assemble the son’s mini-SEM car which runs on saltwater fuel. Cool, I know.
I challenged the son to try to make his own mini-car and I would love to take him to a hardware store to get the tools and materials he would need. Yes, that is a store I prefer going and looking at this website gives me ideas on what to see whenever I have the chance to go to one.
Posted in family, Interesting Topics, Philippines
Tagged 2014 Shell Eco-Marathon, Mini-SEM car
Sunset last Sunday
Gotta love them sunset skies. I don’t know if it’s just me but I love December/January sunset skies than summer’s more vivid hues. Perhaps its those clouds that make the ski more dramatic. Perhaps because the weather is cooler and I can go out to enjoy the cool breeze.
Here was last Sunday’s sunset sky:
It would have been cool to cap off this evening with dinner while there is soft music, cool breeze and warm food. Wouldn’t it be great?
Drive by sunset photo from University Avenue. Check it out here.
Posted in Urban Living, Visualizations