Tag Archives: computers

Electronic Flooding

Electronic flooding is a term (I think I read this term somewhere) applicable for a lot of people and you could be one of them. How?

Are you one of those who, upon waking up, check their emails first or go online to read about the latest happening worldwide?

Do you eat breakfast or lunch or dinner or all these meals with your mobile phone or netbook turned on beside your plate?

Must you know who commented or what comments came in your posted status update in your favorite social networking sites?

If you said “yes” to these, then you are definitely hooked on your gadgets.

Yes, not only do you accumulate these plethora of electronics but you are hooked to these like these are your lifeline. And when you have been away from your gadget for several minutes, you feel like everything will go wrong and the sky would fall down on you. An exaggeration of course but then again, this could be true.

When was the last time you ever finished a book? A real book?

When was the last time you sent and received a hand-written letter? When was the last time you turned off your gadget to concentrate on playing with your child(ren) and spending real bonding with them?

Electronic flooding makes the brain lose focus. Read on and see what it does to your brain. And mine too.