Category Archives: Tech Talk

Our Little Online Biz

Aside from blogging, the hubby and I engage in a little online business. We have several friends’ online accounts and some of hubby’s corporate clients in our roster. We don’t really earn from this little biz but from what little we get, this is enough to cover for monthly expenses which include my sites since I am not paying, lol.

Not much problem since we started except one that has to do with our friend. The problem’s resolved for now, I hope it won’t resurrect again and have us scratching our heads and tsk-tsking where we went wrong.

I’m not saying we are the best web hosting provider in this little corner of our universe but no one’s complaining. Yet 😀

Blog Traffic Through the Use of Social Media

Yes, the use of Social Media increases blog traffic and/or page views.

Social media sites can help increase your blog traffic. Among those social media tools can use are Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz, Digg, LinkedIn and the list goes on and on.

Of course, to get the hits you are aiming for, it is important to invest time and energy to put your blog links to these sites.

Here are a few tips to increase blog traffic through the use of social media sites:

  • Make sure your topic is interesting enough to be read by others. In other words: Content is STILL king!
  • Be precise and write using words that can be easily understood.
  • Do not try to attempt to do link baiting by writing a trending topic link only to find out that the post is entirely about a different topic
  • Be straightforward in writing your topics. If you need to write how people can buy term life insurance, then do not attach a link entitled “top 10 cutest pet puppies”
  • Schedule putting the links depending on the location of your readers
  • Visit other blogs or sites and make yourself “visible” by engaging in a virtual conversation. Pretty soon, these writers will visit you too

Given the know-how on how you can promote your blog is not that much important if you do not write good contents. So start writing good quality blog posts and you will soon see that people will read what you wrote.

Your readers agreeing or disagreeing with what you wrote is another matter of course 😉

How to Make a Friends List on Facebook

I turn the chat button on my friends list on and off whenever I feel like it. Maybe some of my relatives are online so I check by turning on the button for “_____ relatives” list of friends.

Oops! However, if there is someone I don’t want to chat with that I see online (not necessarily from the relatives, LOL), I immediately switch off that chat button where the name belongs to. We’ll just probably chat next time I’m up to it 😉

So, what are the steps on how you can make a friends list on Facebook?

  • Click on the “ACCOUNT” button at the upper right corner of your facebook page. When this is clicked, a scroll down menu will drop down.

  • When the drop down menu goes down, click “EDIT FRIENDS”
  • When a new page opens, click the button that says “CREATE A LIST” and a smaller box will pop-up
  • Click “CREATE LIST” and the cursor will go to a box on the upper left side where you can encode the name of the list you want to use (e.g. neighbors, high school friends, cousins)

  • Once you encode a list’s name, choose who among your friends you would want in that list. There is no need to type the whole name, just the first three letters will help you choose members of this list OR just click on your friend’s name to be included in the list.

There, you have your friends listed in lists/groups, now it is easy to see who is online or not by clicking on the button of the list’s name IN THE CHATBOX.

Beware of Scrapers

Early on, we have been taught that cheating is bad. It is bad and perhaps some or most of us have gone through the consequences of any cheating we may (or may not) have done.

Cheating is evil. It is synonymous with stealing, just as these two other words are synonymous with plagiarism.


Plagiarism is defined in dictionaries as “the wrongful appropriation, close imitation, or purloining and publication, of another author’s language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions, and the representation of them as one’s own original work.”

Now there is this guy, a crappy scraper who started copying recipes AND photos of food bloggers some of whom I happen to know. No, I will not link his blog url here.

Proof. First time I encountered and had frozen Yakiniku beef, I looked for recipes in the net and I landed on this page.

Blog featured above had several entries copied by the scraper (whose url I will not post because it will give him more traffic).

I was so surprised to know that several of my friends’ recipes and photos were copied.

I can haz screenshots of this scraper’s FB fan page with a fan base of 900+ Merde! You’ve been had!

Grabe! Scrapers/plagiarists like you are also called ______________.


Peachy’s post about the plagiarist

JMom’s Plagiarism People Never Learn post

Oggi’s recipe and photos were stolen too

Thess in “A Thief was Found”

i-Google Mo

“i-Google mo” or “Google it” is a common term in this household that is held hostage by the world wide web when it comes to knowing what the latest movie is all about including where it is available at what time, how to bake/cook something and where one can find a location we need to go to.

Not only that, I depend on the web to watch shows currently being shown half the world away (hello my favorite tv series) and listen to songs of my choice. I also get to watch the latest movies. My son and hubby can watch the livestream of racing events. My eldest daughter looks forward to reading the latest chapter of her favorite anime series. My youngest daughter learns to draw from video tutorials.

Would the time come when the hubby gets an 1U server at home should he decide to just work from home? I’m guessing it is going to be a yes since he wants to do that for the longest time.

I can’t imagine how everything will be if we are not connected.

Are you dependent on the net too?