Watching Videos

I need to buy HDMI cables because our DVD player is up to no good. The kids want to watch their favorite videos and not use the laptop for it because they want to watch while relaxing on the bed 😀

Kids these days, they are able to watch movies easily. Back in the day, we’d rent out these big tapes like Betamax and VHS because these are very expensive.  Sometimes I tend to analyze if what we went through was better because we weren’t able to just watch as long as we want to or the young has it better because everything can be had at just the click or a tap of a button.

I like it better back in the day.


Be Careful

Rains are here to stay and with it, a lot of road accidents happen.


Slick roads, flood and low visibility are just a few reasons why road accidents happen. It would also be a big help if people take care of the nitty gritty details of car safety. Sure it’s good to focus on making your ride look great especially with nice looking grills or maybe chrome rims and maybe even dodge seat covers but focusing more on the care being road worthy on a downpour is more important.

Photo also shared here and in Instagram.

Avocado Slices

‘Tis the season for avocado in this country. What can you do with avocado?

avocado slices

The usual preparation would be to put milk and sugar and just dig in. We did that the other day but before digging in, I froze the mashed avocado mixed with muscovado sugar and evaporated milk.


To Go or Not To Go?

So, there’s this talk among friends regarding a concert happening next month. I am torn  if I want to watch or not.

These are guys I grew up listening to. They may be a bit older now and the singing may sound a bit different. Who knows, they would probably need roc n soc seats (lol!) because their energy is not as par as before, but I guess I may never know if I don’t go watch.

I still listen to New Wave songs and in fact I have several in my playlist. I hope I won’t missed out on a lot if I don’t go watch. But I do want to.


If women love to go (window) shopping for clothes and shoes, I’d pretty much be content and “lost” in a hardware store. No kidding.

I am no interior decorator than I am an architect but there is something I particularly like about being in a hardware store, never mind if I only have to get a pot or a nonsoil for my very few garden plants.

I’d gladly look at aisles where shower heads, motors, blinds, tables, plant pots, and light fixtures are displayed. Am I weird?