Tag Archives: Facebook

Technology: Good and Bad

The young people these days have things easy: answers to homework and mini-research papers are just a click of the mouse button away. They can put music in their music players and watch movies online without having to pay for these things. They can even do online shopping and look for new restaurants or specialty shops like which store has the best ipod cases even without stepping out of their homes.

The convenience technology has brought the young people can make them do great things or do otherwise.

Learning about new things is now a breeze, as long as the sources of information are legit and not suspect. Homework answers can be had with a click of a button. They can improve on what’s already existing and help others who do not have access to so much information and knowledge. Baking and cooking has been easy with the internet. People who mattered most to you but you somehow lost touched are now just a click away in Facebook or in Twitter (and now Google+).

Technology, on the other hand, make the young people lazy. They are too lazy to do any research from scratch because everything they need can be easily copied and pasted, even if the information they got were incorrect or unverified. They get photos from the web and say it’s theirs. Hah.

Sometimes I wonder what will become of these young people who spend more time doing things virtually than spending time in the “real world”.

Facebook: Keep (Some of Your) Status Updates Private

I see the need to keep some of my status updates in Facebook private or for the eyes of those people who need to read what I wrote. This is especially true when it comes to personal posts that concern my family.

I don’t confirm “friend requests” of merchants selling clothes, diaper bags, shoes, rv insurance or those from people I know who constantly need votes for their entries to contests.I constantly hide these posts where FB contacts are tagged by merchants with the things they sell. #annoyingFBtaggedposts

I had my Facebook contacts grouped according to how I met them, how I interact with them and how personal my relationships are with them.

People I don’t know from Adam see very limited info from me while I hide their posts too. People can’t post on my wall and if they have anything important to say to me, they can very well send me a private message, email me (if they have my email address) or send me sms (if they have my mobile number). Yes, I get friend invites from people I didn’t know existed. Meh.

I value my privacy even if I have a lot of blogs and am engaged in three social networking sites. Most of my posts in these networking sites are in private, except when I have to make it viewable because I joined a contest, LOL.

So, do you keep your Facebook posts private or is your site a free for all?

Mapping Facebook Friendships Worldwide

Let’s face it, Facebook is probably the most wonderful way to connect with family, loved ones and friends, and yes, even your frenemies. Are you someplace in this map? Or are you a part of the missing piece?

facebook map of friendship
Please click on the image to see w bigger photo.


Facebook world: What’s missing from this picture?


Facebook: People Tagging Others With Their Merchandise

Facebook has got to be THE one for the books in terms of having the most number of subscribers. Everybody and his aunt are on Facebook, even pets, jejemons and attention-seeking people. Especially attention seeking people.

In all its intricacies and simplicity, good points and bad, Facebook is a great repository of links, helpful or not, happy or sad. People ogle at their friends’ travels, baby photos, status updates on what they are currently doing at the right time and begin to get engrossed in a virtual world that seem to be happening in real life. Aminin!

At times, Facebook feels like people are back in high school, boasting about how many friends they have, whether or not they know these people personally or not.

Facebook has become a place to chat, keep up, brag, give one’s POV on the latest happenings around the world or just plain updating on things that are important like family, significant milestones and changes.

Judging by how people seem to congregate to this Social Media, it is but right to assess how much one can get involved and how one should let other people get involved in their accounts.

For me, the key ingredient in interacting with people in Facebook would be PRIVACY. This is one of the reasons why I was not easily accessible in Facebook early on when I signed up because I’ve set my profile to not get friend invites from people. I instead was the one requesting people to be friends with me. Looking back, this was kinda pathetic but hey, at least I get to choose who I get to see in my time line. Read more »

How to Get the new Facebook Profile

I’ve logged in my Facebook account and saw that some friends have new Facebook profiles.

Of course I had to look 😀 When I did I was surprised, not because there were photos of them in jacuzzi tubs but because I felt there is just too much information for everyone, I mean for FB contacts to see.

On the new profile page header, one can read about a contact’s personal information:

  • married to/in relationship with ______
  • current work information
  • education
  • place where the person lives
  • birthday

On the sidebar, the following can be seen:

  • profile photo of family members
  • friends categorized according to lists made (ie HS Friends, Co-workers, neighbors, cousins). When friends link is click, there appears the friends’ profiles in a gallery. Hmmm…

Interested on how to get the new Facebook profile page? Here’s how:

  1. go to http://www.facebook.com/about/profile/
  2. click on the green button on the upper right side that has the words: “Get the New Profile
  3. And you get the new Facebook  profile page

I may have to beg off doing that for now.