There is no stopping Christmas. Even the cool mornings and the bright night sky with stars that shine like loose diamonds are signs that indeed the season is just around the bend.
I have always been fascinated by December night sky: bright twinkling stars, cool air, bright moon, and the “smell” of Christmas in the air.

Some of the things I can vividly remember during the month of December are the sounds of waves crashing on the soft sand a few meters from where I sleep on the ground, the smell of the morning dew on the grass, grand sunrises and sunsets with colors that change everyday, the sound of people singing praise songs and the sound of silence when everything and everyone has settled down to rest for the night.
Am I dreaming of these experiences? Yes, I am now but not when I was younger and all these I have experienced for several years.
I think this stems from having experienced many a night camping with young people after Christmas, in a youth church activity called Christmas Institute. I cherished these years close to my heart and I am thankful that I was able to experience all these and more while I was growing up.
The chance to be with friends and the thrill of meeting new friends are just toppings on the cake, if I may say so. During these events, the self-discipline to follow camp rules and self-restraint to not do the things I’d rather do when I am not up to the tasks lined up for the day, the awakening of good values and virtues plus the realization of how big and how powerful God’s role in my life is are all definitely worth remembering.
I wish my children get to experience these too.