
Sundays are considered family days and days of obligation to go to church.

This is the day when we do things that are extra-special like cooking special dishes, going to special places, visiting special people and other things that we do that we give a special touch.

We had a special day today when we decided to have a lunch picnic.

During these two hours that we spent outdoors, I have taken a lot of photos while the two young children were running around, my eldest daughter had her ever-present earphones plugged in her ears and hubby was napping on the mat.

I chanced upon this small, young family from a distance, spending a quiet afternoon among the trees that provide shade and cool air:

The Weekly Question will touch on this topic:

What are the special things that you look forward to every Sunday?

My answer:

First off, I look forward to sleeping in during Sundays, unless there are important things to do and events to attend.

Just today I slept till 9:15 am and wouldn’t probably wake up yet if Wenchie didn’t call me.

I look forward to spending the day with my family, staying in and just resting.

Sundays are days when we either eat out for lunch or I prepare special dishes for the family, the latter being the more preferred choice by the kids.

Sundays are days (as well as Saturdays) when the kids rule the library, hugging one computer each for their playing pleasure.

Sundays are days spent just lazing around, or wearing Sunday best when there is an occasion to go to.

What do you enjoy during Sundays?

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9 Responses to Sundays

  1. Pingback: ~iMoM~ » Weekly Question - On Sunday Specials

  2. Pingback: Weekly Question: Sundays : Under One Roof

  3. Pingback: GreenBucks » Blog Archive » Lunch Picnic

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