Category Archives: Me

Motive by Jonathan Kellerman

This is Jonathan Kellerman’s 30th Alex Delaware and Milo Sturgis book.


I have probably read almost all the early books in this series till book #20, in paperback. I’ve also read Petra Connor series. One of the things I have noticed about these books is the gore. There is that certain despondency (?) that I feel when I read these books. There is always that Filipina/Filipino character. There are always those trips to dusty and almost abandoned places or inner city streets where the brave won’t dare go even during daytime.

I even had a hard time understanding the correlation of the characters actions that led to the cases. It was somehow forced. I hope JK is not mellowing down.

I’d still read those I haven’t read though because I enjoy how the train of thoughts and the explanations for behavior exhibited are done.


Devil and the Deep Sea

This was read at a time back in the early months of 2016 when I was reading 70’s – 80’s romance books.

Devil and the Deep Sea

GoodReads review

Why is it that these heroines think too much, assume a lot and not face the issues head-on? On the other hand, if they did, there wouldn’t be too much to go in with the stories.

I liked the story and have predicted pretty much who is the doing the mysterious acts. The plot is not the usual pink roses and champagne romance kind of book because there is a bit of thriller in it.

Filipino Food

Filipino food is a fusion of different tastes and influences. At best it is grand and has a lot of ingredients complementing each other. In its simple form, it is presented with one major ingredients while the rest are just flavors and sauces.


We love pairs that complement each other and I have enumerated some in this article I wrote: Pares-Pares na Pagkaing Pinoy

Finding Inspiration

For me, finding inspiration is not difficult to do. This is a matter of personal perspective of course but when we look around us and find beauty in the little things that do not seem to have any significance, we find inspiration.


When my youngest child plays the guitar with her soulful interpretation of some songs, it brings tears to my eyes that she is able to do these things, taught herself to do these things, unaided by us. She “studies” musical pieces and even looks for hardware that can help her with her musical abilities (read more here for additional info)

Soft Tacos

We love to have uncommon food sometimes, not just rice + viand, a Filipino staple during meals.

Soft tacos or Tortilla Wraps is just about right for this family with three children who are also open to have a variety of food served:

Head over to my food blog to see how these Soft Tacos or Tortilla Wraps are prepared.