Category Archives: web tools

Facebook: Keep (Some of Your) Status Updates Private

I see the need to keep some of my status updates in Facebook private or for the eyes of those people who need to read what I wrote. This is especially true when it comes to personal posts that concern my family.

I don’t confirm “friend requests” of merchants selling clothes, diaper bags, shoes, rv insurance or those from people I know who constantly need votes for their entries to contests.I constantly hide these posts where FB contacts are tagged by merchants with the things they sell. #annoyingFBtaggedposts

I had my Facebook contacts grouped according to how I met them, how I interact with them and how personal my relationships are with them.

People I don’t know from Adam see very limited info from me while I hide their posts too. People can’t post on my wall and if they have anything important to say to me, they can very well send me a private message, email me (if they have my email address) or send me sms (if they have my mobile number). Yes, I get friend invites from people I didn’t know existed. Meh.

I value my privacy even if I have a lot of blogs and am engaged in three social networking sites. Most of my posts in these networking sites are in private, except when I have to make it viewable because I joined a contest, LOL.

So, do you keep your Facebook posts private or is your site a free for all?

Top 10 Countries as Facebook Users

I’m not surprised that the Philippines is #7 in the Top 10 Countries in terms of the number of Facebook Users.

Everyone and his aunt, dog, cat, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, thumb and toe has a Facebook page. Celebrities have even multiple Facebook page and one never knows if the page he/she liked is the official one.

I kid you not about everyone having a Facebook page.

Just by looking at the “fan pages” that my eldest daughter has “Liked” and many more making up new pages for others to like, we are slowly but surely making our way on top. With icing to boot 😀

Seriously, the time spent reading status updates, clicking on the like button if one does not have anything to say, looking at the photo albums of friends, virtual and in real life, former classmates, former office-mates, former neighbors and all things former, takes a lot of time away from real work.

I even think Facebook is a blog killer but that is entirely another post to write about.

What else suffer when people spend waste time just doing Facebook?

  • productivity with work
  • socialization with others in real life
  • person-to-person interaction
  • house chores (of which I am guilty)
  • the EGO because one feels inferior when he/she sees that former classmate who used to struggle with the class lessons now living in a big house with a sportscar. And what about that former office-mate who… never mind.

I installed Chrome Nanny to regulate my Facebook usage and I deliberately ignore the “call” of Mozilla Firefox where I can still access Facebook. Sometimes I give in to the temptation of logging in through Firefox but last week, I steer cleared away from Facebook and Twitter.

The effect? I was able to watch more episodes of my favorite tv series, hahaha!


College Challenge

I’m happy for two of my former students who are college-bound. One is going to take up a course called MultiMedia while the other one is taking up something which currently slipped my feeble memory. Who would have thought several months ago, we were thinking of even getting online degree programs. There isn’t anything wrong with these online degree programs, in fact I even find these more convenient when it comes to no-commute through rush hour traffic part of learning.

But still, college is more fun with new found friends, newer and bigger challenges and more difficult school work.


Tangled Mess

I need new speakers. New wireless speakers!

The computer speakers I’m currently using for my endless tv series marathon (I watch at least one episode of the many series I love) are also being by the kids when they play hubby’s synth. I had it placed below the table where I’m working and the hubby said I got a lot of wires tangled there.

And uhm, yeah, he almost tripped from that one going inside the library where he works 😀


Current Fave: The Script

I love music and as much as I imagine myself singing better than the average karaoke singer, I tend to have limited choices when it comes to choosing a song I can sing. Maybe because I have a limited vocal range or maybe because I prefer male singers/bands than females. I got several male singers in my play list and these include Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, James Morrison, Matt Nathanson and Damien Rice among others.

My current pick is The Script, which incidentally is having a concert in the country. I wanna watch!

Right now, am listening to them on Grooveshark, with a pair of Altec Lansing stereo speakers plugged in the laptop and playing half-full blast.  Yey!

“I’m still alive but I’m barely breathing…”