As I wait for the other family members to finish getting ready so we could go out and finish our weekend tasks (buying groceries, haircut, facial appointment for the blackheads) and Sunday mass obligation, I patter here and there tidying up.
Clean as you go is a mantra that people should practice. While the food is simmering and waiting to be cooked, wipe the kitchen counters. While the clothes are in the washer, there are a hundred more things waiting to be done and fixed.
Our home is far from being considered clean and neat. I just convince myself that as long as we have warm home-cooked food on the table, the children have clean and ironed uniforms for school plus have done their homeworks and projects, we have clean clothes in the closet and we can find where the house keys are, then we are good.
I really hope I will not stress myself out by saying: “I need to clean out the extra closets and sort the unused clothes.” or “I have to remove all the books in the library and discard those that I can live without.”
There is this interesting video: “How to Tidy Up in 15 Minutes“. Very helpful.