Tag Archives: money

What Are Your Plans?

I’m at my last two payments for a plan I got for one of the kids, woohoo! Next year I will be finished paying the other plan. Another woohoo! for that. Hubby got a plan for our youngest child.

I should feel “liberated” for having (almost) finished paying these plans and decide not to get another one. But…

I think I will get one more, for me this time. Retirement or a life plan or maybe even for the end-of-life plan would probably be good.


Juvenile Plans

I started paying for two juvenile plans almost nine years ago. At first I was unsure if I can afford getting two. But the insurance quotes my agent gave me seemed reasonable.

Nine years after, saving up for the quarterly premium payment has not been a problem with me, save for some times when I have to forego purchasing anything big to save up on the payment.

It feels like saving for something big. I just hope nothing bad will happen to the company before the children reach the age 21 ๐Ÿ˜€

Looking for a Wireless Prepaid Phone Package

I am looking for an alternative landline package because ours is proving to be a bit expensive.

We do not regularly use our phone expect for a few phone calls to order for water to be delivered, hubby calling up to check on the kids, or my insurance agent’s secretary calling to remind me the life insurance quotes I have to pay (even if she already sent me sms).

Sending sms, emailing, chatting in chat rooms/email services and sending private messages through a social networking site where we have accounts are what we usually resort to when we need to contact each other.

I may need to resort of having a wireless prepaid service soon to cut down our landline phone expenses in half.

Any suggestions?

Some Energy Saving Tips for Summer

Summer is here but I am not exactly looking forward to spending the day sweltering in heat and wishing for the night to come.

Even if I don’t get to wake up at an ungodly hour to prepare for food to be brought to school, I do not exactly welcome summer. AND summer means droves of noisy children playing on the street. Sigh.

Well at least we don’t have to turn on the light fixtures early so we get to save energy.

The things that help us feel cool however is another concern and these are the things that make power consumption go up several notches which ruin the energy conservation scheme ๐Ÿ™

How can households practice energy conservation during summer? Here are some helpful tips:

  • Try to open windows, especially those that do not have direct sunlight, to have the breeze enter your home.
  • Wear light clothes that will not make you sweat.
  • If you have to do house chores using electrical appliances, do it while the temperature is cooler.
  • Air dry the clothes you washed.
  • Check your air-conditioning unit to see if the filters are clean.

Do not forget to drink lots of water and wear clothes made of light materials ๐Ÿ™‚

Shabby Chic

I used to watch a Shabby Chic show back when we still had cable tv.

I don’t know why but I think I like the look of shabby chic furniture more than modern furniture though the latter would be more practical to have of course.

When we went malling last weekend, one table sort of beckoned me to look at “her” from inside a furniture store. Yes, it is a shabby chic find definitely but there was nothing shabby with the tag price attached to it (PhP85,000!).

One day, I told myself, I will get a small house and have it decorated like ala-French cottage with shabby chic theme. Maybe I can start with the house soon ๐Ÿ™‚