Tag Archives: New Year 2009

Looking Forward

2009 is finally here. We look forward to what this year will bring us at the same time we arm ourselves with the many life lessons learned from the year that was 2008.

Yes, we may still have hang-ups or emotional baggage but this year, we tell ourselves that we will do everything better than last year.

What are you looking forward to in 2009?

My answer:

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Thoughts for 2008

2008 was a special year for me.

The children had less sickness and we all learned a lot about each other as we spend more time at home due to gas price increase. Now that the prices are lower, we resume going back to our Sunday activities.

There are so many things to be thankful for, be these negative or positive.

I have just written a while ago,

being grateful is a big thing, because when you are, you still see these things as blessing and life lessons to be learned

Career-wise was still the same and if truth be told, I have had some painful moments to keep me company but I will not dwell on these moments.

I am thinking of taking some risks since I feel I have been complacent for long.

My online activities became better. I have created two more blogs including this one where I was able to write topics that may not interest others but I have written things that came from my heart.

Virtual friends became good personal friends with a common goal: to help other mothers like us in the never-ending quest to become better at what we do.

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