Tag Archives: shopping


Saturday mid-afternoon till early evening was spent at the Greenhills Shopping Center because my work schedule was not full. This week’s Weekly Question was even thought of while we were here.

Shopping is at its best here, with high-end goods as well as bargain goods to be had. The high-end shops sell expensive clothes, shoes, gadgets and toys.

The bargain section sells inexpensive and imitation shoes, bags and clothes. There are also lots of gift items from toys to household items like ceramics, laundry hamper, furniture, and food to mobile phones and knick-knacks related to Christmas.

Shopping haven really.

Here is a photo of a store selling poinsettia plants. Hmm…these really brighten up the day with the bright colors:

Have a great week to you all 🙂

Bargain Bags

Sunday was spent fussing on a new dog, getting early Christmas gifts, lunching on grilled burgers and getting groceries and the clothes from the laundry shop. In between that, we found a place that sells bargain bags.

Blazing Products bags to be exact. The bags and other sports equipments being sold are old stocks. Some are good as new and look clean. The others need some cleaning up before being used.

There were also binoculars, flashlights, tent, rain gears and other camping and sports products to choose from. Hubby saw a compass and got interested. I wonder if they also sell talking watches.

We got a padded camera bag for me and a small sling bag for my son.

Below is a photo of some of the products being sold there:

That empty spot on the top shelf was where I got my padded camera bag from. The price? PhP400.00 or roughly below $9.

By the way, one can have a laptop bag made-to-order from them.

‘Tis the Season

Oh yes, ’tis the season to shop till you drop. With just a few weeks before Christmas, everyone is rushing to do some shopping to make it in time for the holidays just waiting around the corner.

‘Tis the season too to try to earn something extra. Businesses are alive now more than ever as excitement among shoppers and consumers build its momentum as the day gets nearer.

If one loves to shop, there are those who would rather be on the other end, doing business.

There are many different business opportunities that abound during the season where generosity becomes a second name: wholesale fashion jewelry, clothes, toys, food, and gadgets.

Food for one is a good idea. Why? Well, it is sometimes better to give food, as long as these are delicious, than give knick-knacks that will gather dust after a few weeks.

Speaking of knick-knacks, these are exactly what the young people would rather receive. Bags, accessories, tech gadgets, and things that will keep little hands busy, the young people love those. So for the business-minded, what better way to earn more but by engaging in a business while everyone is on a shopping mode.

Just A Few Weeks to go Before Christmas


Shopping has never been the same a few weeks before (or maybe after) Christmas so sign up to the link below and tell your (online) shopping stories/experiences and win prizes:


Please make sure to refer back to me: http://greenbucks.info when you sign up.

I have read several stories in the site and some had me in stitches 😀


Lots of people have already started with their Christmas shopping. I know of some people who are done with theirs as I write this post.

Its just a few weeks before Christmas and everything seems to be hurrying by. The days are getting shorter. The people are hurrying to and fro.

There is something about Christmas really that makes one feel frantic. Perhaps it is because its that time of the year when reports have to be filed, work has to be completed, shopping has to be done to avoid crowds and traffic jams.

Since the advent of the internet, shopping can now be done in a breeze. How? Through online shopping of course.

There is no need to brave through the crowds, wait in line to pay and deal with kids who think the mall is their playground online shopping is done. Shopping in the comfort of one’s own home has never been better.

I still haven’t thought of anything yet to give to my husband but I am thinking he might appreciate getting something like this to start working on his carpentry skills:

Wishful thinking 😀