Tag Archives: skin care

Natural Skin Care

My daughter used to use honey and oatmeal combination for her facial wash. Yes, it was an effective acne treatment because she had clear facial skin when she was using the said product.

Sad though it was when she ran out of the product and we had no way of getting it since we bought it from an out-of-town source.

Now she is using a commercially-bought cream soap. She likes the result so far.

Sometimes we use egg white as face mask.

For me, nothing beats natural ingredients to clean the skin. It is also a big plus if these natural food products like fruits and vegetables are eaten regularly for maximum benefit.

What natural skin care have you tried so far?

Skin Care for Teens

Skin care for teens is a crucial stage because if the proper facial skin care system is not established, this would have (adverse) effects later on.

It is important that they get best acne treatment at this stage because it is during the teenage years that break-outs happen.

My students refuse to talk about their acne or even ask me to NOT look at them, haha, as if that is even possible.

Putting on creams however that are not recommended by a dermatologist is not a good way to self-medicate for these would even do more harm than good.

So here, as the saying goes, “if symptoms persist, consult your doctor”

Facial Skin Care

There are so many facial creams that aim to do a lot of things to the skin: cleansing, exfoliating, removing or preventing acne, anti-aging, whitening and/or giving a rosy glow.

Knowing what works best for your skin is the best choice.

For me though, the best acne treatments are those that use natural ingredients and not chemicals.

Natural fruit oils and extracts like those from lemon and grapefruits, honey, oats and milk are best especially for the young teens like my daughter.

Of course, it helps to eat these healthy food too 🙂

Let’s Face It!

Teenagers are going through a lot of physical as well as emotional changes at the same time that they battle a lot of scholastic and peer pressure

Some of the things they have to deal with are weight management and skin breakout

There are many acne treatments that they can avail of so it is best they they choose the different options well

My daughter has little pimples that come out every now and then so we try to have her wash her face with natural sources like honey face scrubs or egg white, at least there is less risk of getting more problems (and cheaper too) 🙂

What natural face cleansers do you use?

Skin Care

There are so many skin care products that are available in the market today that choosing one is not an easy task.

First, one has to know what type of skin he/she has to be able to know what products are safe to use. Not because these products are being advertised mean these are good.

I have asked blogging and real-life friends about their facial regimens a few months back.

They gave wonderful tips on how to prevent acne and/or how to have acne treatments. There were some complicated regimens and there were just simple regimens shared.

For starter, nothing beats a relaxed lifestyle though that is probably next to impossible with a lot of people and having nutritious food available.