Tag Archives: summer
Shy Sunflower
Posted in Environment, Philippines, Photos, Urban Living, Wordless Wednesday
Under the Trees
The trees near the house are all green and in “full bloom”
Much as I love the shade which we don’t have much use save for providing covering from the sun’s heat, it would be definitely fun to have picnic lunches under these trees using outdoor rugs.
It would be fun bird watching there.
Alas, the dog’s cage is under the trees. Outside the perimeter fence, the neighbors put their benches and sit under the shade, at times bringing their food ( and hard drinks) and making noise.
Do I tell them to stop? Would I dare to because they are disturbing the peace? if I do, I am the one who is haughty and arrogant.
baliktad na talaga ang mundo, mahirap na makipag-usap sa makitid ang utak, ikaw pa ang hindi makaintindi.
Posted in family, Philippines, Photos, Thought Bubbles, Urban Living
Tagged home, nature photo, Philippines, Photos, shade, summer, trees
Summer Season is Here
It has been scorching in the metro for the past few weeks. Summer “officially” started a few days ago and I find myself asking “Today is just the start of summer? It isn’t summer yet?”
This is the perfect time to speed up one’s fitness routine and change dietary plans if one plans to do a lot of beach combing. Be careful though to not overdo things and protect yourself from the heat.
I am sure a lot of sites like www.dietsthatwork.net have a lot of traffic these days.
Summer is the time to have fun, frolic the beaches wearing the latest fashion in swimwear and drinking tons of cold drinks. I go for the last one since I don’t think I can really have fun when temps reach 37 degrees (or possibly 40s in some parts of the country).
If there is one thing I love about summer, its this:
Yes, we get to enjoy flavorful fruits in season.
Posted in Philippines, Photos
Tagged fruit, health, heat, summer, watermelon
Have Luggage, Will Travel
The season for traveling is here. Yep, summer, undoubtedly is here, whether we like it or not. My kids are excited to travel down south to visit their grandma, my MIL.
The ports and airports are now beginning to be filled with vacationers, hauling humongous luggage and/or carting off custom cardboard boxes.
Typical with vacationers especially those going home to celebrate fiestas and the Lenten season would be to bring home big cans of biscuits to bring home to their families.
This is a question that has been asked many times: “how can you distinguish a Filipino among so many travelers in an airport?”
Well, he is the one with the most luggage because relatives of friends asked him to bring home packages for their relatives
Kesehodang maiwan ang gamit niya wag lang ang padala!
Posted in Philippines, Travel
Tagged fiesta, summer, summer heat, Travel
Some Energy Saving Tips for Summer
Summer is here but I am not exactly looking forward to spending the day sweltering in heat and wishing for the night to come.
Even if I don’t get to wake up at an ungodly hour to prepare for food to be brought to school, I do not exactly welcome summer. AND summer means droves of noisy children playing on the street. Sigh.
Well at least we don’t have to turn on the light fixtures early so we get to save energy.
The things that help us feel cool however is another concern and these are the things that make power consumption go up several notches which ruin the energy conservation scheme
How can households practice energy conservation during summer? Here are some helpful tips:
- Try to open windows, especially those that do not have direct sunlight, to have the breeze enter your home.
- Wear light clothes that will not make you sweat.
- If you have to do house chores using electrical appliances, do it while the temperature is cooler.
- Air dry the clothes you washed.
- Check your air-conditioning unit to see if the filters are clean.
Do not forget to drink lots of water and wear clothes made of light materials
Posted in For Information, Interesting Topics, Money Watch, Urban Living
Tagged economy, energy conservation, energy conservation tips, money, summer, Thought Bubbles