Vacation Deals

Summer vacation is just a few weeks away from today. My kids are all planning to go up North with my parents and if budget restrictions ease, go down South to my MIL.

For those with deep pockets, I am sure they are looking at luxury vacation rentals paris. Paris is a wonderful vacation destination for most people who love to travel, for honeymooners, or those who dream about traveling to different countries.

I hope we will be able to get great deals so that my two graduating children will be able to have a few days of fun before they embark on going to higher level of learning when June comes.

Happy or Sad Songs

Do you prefer to listen to happy songs or sad songs?

Box Face

For me, the choice depends on the mood I am currently in. if I am sad I’d rather listen to happy songs to perk up my mood and disposition.

Sad songs make me cry. Even those played live using just Roland keyboards or even an acoustic guitar never fails to bring tears to roll.

What is it with sad songs then that people listen to these and people write such songs?

Sad songs make us listen to words that we would rather not speak nor listen to. Sad songs represent the hurt, the pain, the sentimental part of ourselves that we would rather keep to ourselves than let others know.

What is your favorite sad song?

What is your favorite happy song?


Cats having fun:


Photo posted by my daughter in her private IG account.

Let Your Children Play

Are you the kind of parent who is constantly in need of aa rechargeable batteries, on the lookout for electrical sockets to plug your children’s devices and always anticipates the latest update on the latest handheld virtual games?


Are you the parent who lets her children get down and dirty, ride bikes, play with bubbles, play with toys that can be built and torn apart or have her children make their own toys from recycled materials?

3 Bubbles

Which ever you are, remember to let your children be children and let them play, play and play!

As my tween son would say: “I don’t have free weekends” because he has Saturdays lined up for Drama Club rehearsals for a big play two weeks from now 😀

Lovely Day


Our “winter tree” basking in the sun under a blue cloudless sky.

I love taking photos from this spot though I dread the typhoon months for fear that those trees might come down on the roof of the house.

Photo first posted here.