Category Archives: File and data management

Another Post About Facebook

I wrote a lot about Facebook here. Some are just fun posts but some are serious posts about privacy or the lack of it.

Yes, like Twitter (add me up! LOL) Facebook gives users the ability to post updates as often as they want. Some are TMI (too much information) while some updates are downright annoying. Yeah, who needs to know you need to pee or just ate a cow dung?

For others, like me, Facebook is a perfect place to share new articles written, links that can help others and photos/videos that can tug the heart strings.

For me, it is a a venue to share with my relatives the photos and accomplishments of my children. It is also a place where we have “meetings” and where everyone pitches an idea that will help each other.

For some of our family and friends, they get to share with us clips and photos of their personal achievements, whether they won in a sports wearing their equestrian helmets, or accomplished a marathon, or even bagged that medal for an art contest. I’m sure first time to walk videos are one of the most commented videos with family groups.

For long-lost school friends, non-stop chatter on old school photos are a source of laughter and nostalgia.

I am sure there are many more worthwhile experiences we have experienced by joining Facebook. Let me just be clear with one thing though, please value your privacy while in Facebook.

Facebook Timeline

So you’ve heard about Facebook Timeline and you want one? Here’s how to get your own Facebook Timeline. The easier way would be to find friends who already have and just click a button whereabouts his/her page so that you can get yours too.

Here is my current Facebook Timeline Cover Photo:

My Facebook Timeline Cover Photo

Pixie Pixels or Photo Stories is my photo blog.

At first Facebook Timeline looks weird, because it looks like an online magazine with different sections. It takes some time to get used to it. The wonderful thing is, it is like blogs, with archives according to year and month. For bloggers like me who are used to having archives, this is a great tool should I need to go “back in time” and look for that link I shared some time ago. It may be that link about a funny video on YouTube, the appetite suppressants for men I shared with a friend or something interesting in a link I shared that I have to write about.

Did you get annoyed with the new Facebook changes? I did, still am, with that ticker box that’s like a Stalker Haven, šŸ˜€


Technology: Good and Bad

The young people these days have things easy: answers to homework and mini-research papers are just a click of the mouse button away. They can put music in their music players and watch movies online without having to pay for these things. They can even do online shopping and look for new restaurants or specialty shops like which store has the best ipod cases even without stepping out of their homes.

The convenience technology has brought the young people can make them do great things or do otherwise.

Learning about new things is now a breeze, as long as the sources of information are legit and not suspect. Homework answers can be had with a click of a button. They can improve on what’s already existing and help others who do not have access to so much information and knowledge. Baking and cooking has been easy with the internet. People who mattered most to you but you somehow lost touched are now just a click away in Facebook or in Twitter (and now Google+).

Technology, on the other hand, make the young people lazy. They are too lazy to do any research from scratch because everything they need can be easily copied and pasted, even if the information they got were incorrect or unverified. They get photos from the web and say it’s theirs. Hah.

Sometimes I wonder what will become of these young people who spend more time doing things virtually than spending time in the “real world”.

Saving Time and Energy

An organized home saves you time and energy.


  • A clutter-free living space makes get your things organized. You don’t need to sort through many things just to be able to find a coupon or a receipt needed for a transaction.
  • An organized home will make the homeowner feel efficient and cut down time spent doing actual work.
  • An organized home is more often than not a clean home where harmful substances do not lurk to pounce on unsuspecting prey.
  • Dust if you must.
  • Schedule a clean up day and get rid of junk.
  • Clean as you go, a way for multi-taskers to organize their homes. Instead of checking your Facebook account while the laundry is cleaning itself, why not dust here and there, wipe the kitchen counters or sweep the floor.

You’d feel relaxed in an organized home. Doesn’t it feel good if you go to bed or you go home from a hard day’s work with all clutter gone?

That includes the used dinner plates which are calling out my name at this instance, haha.

Scene from 2010 Christmas Day

Been looking through the many photos in my files before I put them in my online data storage and back-up hard drive. Hubby still has to do the copying of these photos to CDs.

One of the photos that captured my attention was this “stolen shot” photo of my hubby and our two younger kids in hubby’s family living room during Christmas. The camera was positioned behind a wine glass on display, hence the slightly blurred photo. I blurred their faces a bit too.


I know, it is a lovely Christmas setting, isn’t it? šŸ˜‰

The accent table in the middle has several decorative Christmas things on top of it. These have to be removed however when family members gather for lunches and/or dinner since the kids love to sit in the living room and eat there. Plates and glasses are placed on this table for the children while they eat sitting on big pillows on the floor. A special cocktail table holds the desserts in the dining room next to the dining table. This is where the children go to pick the sweets they like.

IĀ wouldĀ love to have accent tables like that in our living room but since I use the space there to do my hooping, I guess we would have to wait till I clear the room at the back of the house for that. As it is, the sofa set in our living room is pushed back against the walls whileĀ anotherĀ table went that way too.

Would have loved to have a stylish living room but the childrenĀ are ecstatic since they use the space to play with their toy cars.

*Stolen shot* means photo taken of persons without their consent or them knowing it.