One of the kids I work with got in early last Saturday and since the one who has a schedule before him was a no-show, we had some extra time to spend.
We talked a lot of things about gadgets, and concerns about school: grades, friends, subjects and his thoughts and dreams.
I spent a little time teaching him how to use the macro button on a camera and we came up with this photo of a wee Yellow Tang fish decor:
And that photo above was what we came up with
We could have spent a lot more time doing this so I asked him to bring their camera next time so we can go over some of the basics in taking good photos (ha! as if I am a good photographer).
After our session, we looked up on some surplus inventory net pages because we discussed about how much a mobile phone he likes is worth now that there is a newer model out in the market.
Kids these days, very tech savvy