Category Archives: Weekend Snapshots

Hanging Bridge

One of the things we enjoy doing when we go to that place to savor cool mountain air (my other WS entry) is to walk on the hanging bridge.

I was not able to walk on this bridge this time because the drizzles made the wood slippery. I don’t know why my running shoes felt that way.

Hanging Bridge which I also featured with a photo taken from a different perspective in this post.

A New Bike!

The kids got their Christmas gift a week earlier before Christmas: a new bike (which they had to share since we still have a bigger and rarely used bike which belongs to my eldest daughter).

Biking in the house ain’t fun so we bring this bike if we go to my hubby’s family home where  the streets are much safer to navigate than those in front of our house.

Here is my son, guiding his bike as he gets ready to tackle the wide roads of our favorite weekend place, that place where we go walking in the woods on Sunday mornings, and/or have picnic,  and/or go to hear mass.

Just the perfect place to learn to ride a bike, which is like a bikers’ “heaven” during Sundays.

While Waiting

I took several photos of helicopters and airplanes flying high above the sky last Saturday morning during a break from work

I then decided to take several photos of these “capiz” lamp shells hanging on the trellis of my MIL’s second floor garden while waiting for my family to come and pick me up

These look cool when lighted at night

When my hubby and kids arrived, we all went to attend the Filipino Mom Blog Christmas party with the kids in tow which can be read about here

Bonifacio High Street at Night

Saturday was spent having sessions with my enrichment students from 8am till 5pm. Sunday was spent staying in except for mass during the early evening.

When my husband and children came to pick me up around 5pm, I was so hungry that we went directly to a restaurant and didn’t have time to go to church for the anticipated mass because it was a bit late for that.

We decided to go to Market! Market! so that I could get some books at the weekend book sale of a popular local bookstore chain.

I got a number of books to be given as gifts. Yes, bargain books as low as PhP20, like the earlier ones I got. Of course, this was in line with my keeping a frugal Christmas 😀

Anyway, a night stroll at Bonifaco High Street and Serendra was a delight! We did have some problems with the parking though, everywhere was full. Course, that being a Saturday night.

There were so many colors to see at night. The place is huge with open spaces where children (and pets) can move about.

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Walking in the Woods

Walking in the woods does a lot of wonderful things to the body and mind, and spirit.

One feels one with nature as listening to the chirping birds, smelling the smell of leaves, seeing colorful flowers, feeling the drizzling rain falling softly on one’s face, and inhaling fresh cool air are all incomparable experiences on a lazy Sunday weekend. For us, at least.

Such was what we did yesterday (Sunday) morning. We were not able to have a picnic on our picnic mat as we planned to because of the drizzles but we had fun nonetheless.

Have you tried this experience or are you one of those who feel more at ease in an air conditioned place where sights and sounds intertwine endlessly during Sundays?