The Weekly Question has a story behind it that I would like to include in the question that I am going to send out.
Here goes:

One day, a friend told me about her trip to a nearby province that is known for its culinary arts and expertise. She, together with her family visited a cousin who got married to a wife from that said province.
Filipinos are being known for their hospitality so we could just imagine how scrumptious the food served to them.
As this friend was well into her second serving of the very yummy and creamy lasagna, she happened to comment to her cousin’s wife (who cooked all their food) how the beef in the lasagna is so tender.
She got really surprised when her cousin’s wife relied that she did not use beef in the lasagna.
She used pig brains.
I would not say how my friend reacted so I am going to ask you this question:
If it were you in that situation, what would you do?
My answer:
If it was me and I was well into my second plate still alive, I will probably just eat the remainder of my lasagna.
Or when the hostess is not looking, I will probably go run to the bathroom and try to maybe, force myself to retch whatever can be taken out of my system. Ugh.
I am not really choosy when it comes to food but now that I am not getting any younger, I want to be healthier and be able to eat the right food. Choosing the right food might do the trick and maybe the best diet pills to help me curb the cravings for sweets.
Click here to read and article about meat packing workers getting sick with the procedures they use to extract pig’s brain from its skull.
What about you? What would you do? Join me here in my Weekly Questions meme.
Have a great week everyone!