Tag Archives: Weekly Questions

Milk Scare

We have all been scared with the controversy about milk products and milk from China. Somehow we, especially the mothers, were affected that this has changed the way we lived for some time. Or maybe we still harbor those fears in our hearts.

The government does its work in investigating the problems but it is still up to us to do what we think is best.

So now that the news reports have released the partial list of milk and milk products that can be safely consumed, I ask you this question:

Do you think NOW is really the time to patronize our locally made milk and milk products or would you still trust products manufactured in other countries?

My answer:

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Weird Culinary Delights(?)

This is a sequel to the WQ #17 Ugh. about whether to continue eating or to abandon eating lasagna with pig’s brain in it.

So the WQ#18 is related to this and here it goes:


What were the worst or weird food (for you) that you have ever eaten? What were your reactions?

My answer:

We have seen people on tv eating bull testicles, big fish eyes, Madagascar Hissing cockroaches and even raw ostrich eggs. Serve these with diet pills and the ideal weight would be achieved in no time. Seriously.

After the WQ#17 post was done, it got me thinking about the things that I have eaten which may not sit well with others. By the way, WP says I edited this first on 11 September, 2008 @ 0:16 by greenbucks

So the following are the things I have eaten as a young girl:

  • pig’s brains – has the consistency of soft meat (surprise, surprise, I suddenly remember having this a la omelet, cooked by my father) I loved this then, I don’t know if I would still eat this now.
  • sea turtle eggs – these looked like pingpong balls, rough skin but soft (i know, we were not environmentally concerned then (are we now?)  and this happened when I was much, much younger) No way will I eat these again because sea turtles are fast becoming extinct.
  • frogs – AKA adobong palaka (tastes good, like chicken)
  • wild boar meat (which my father’s uncles hunted)- back when the Zambales mountain range is teeming with trees and wildlife, now its almost as barren and brown as the desert during summer. It was a bit difficult to chew, that was what I remember about it.
  • dog meat – I didn’t know that it was dog meat that some of my relatives were eating then. I took a few spoonfuls. I can ‘t remember how it was although I must say that my lola’s cooking is great. Am I gonna eat this now? I think not.

So there, what were the weird culinary (delightful or otherwise) that you have sampled? If you asked me if I would be adventurous enough to try these again, I would probably say, “No, thank you.” to three of these.

Share your thoughts here.

Are You a Cry Baby?

I remember this song back when I was younger: “I sing because I’m happy. I sing because I’m free. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.”

Click here to listen to the song and its lyrics.

No, the Weekly Question is not about singing. Yet.

It’s about crying. Why crying? Because this song, with its wonderful lyrics, makes me want to cry. And so does a lot of other things.

So here goes the Weekly Question Number 16:

What makes you cry?

My answer:

There are a lot of things that make me cry:

  • When one of my children is hurt, I cry.
  • When I hear sad love songs and watch a sad movie, I cry.
  • When I watch something sentimental, even a television commercial, this makes me cry.
  • When I hear wonderful comments for me and not-so wonderful comments, I cry.
  • Even emails with heart-wrenching lessons and life stories make me cry.
  • I  cry usually when I am frustrated like when I lost all my photos during the WordCamp Philippines 2008 event yesterday. All photos of the lectures I attended were there. I just didn’t have the opportunity to do that because there were a lot of people.
  • Pretty much a lot of things make me cry. I will not deny this. I don’t want to watch some TV shows because these make me cry.

I cry silent tears.

I sniffle.

What about you? What makes you cry?

Blogging for Advocacy

Two weeks ago, we discussed about the advocacy or the cause that we might want to support.

I have been very happy about the different causes that we would like to give our support to, in our own grand and small ways should the right time comes for us to fulfill these dream for others.

Being a blogger, I have come to realize that through blogging, we can start this advocacy that we have dreaming of.


By blogging about the things we are passionate about.

Yes, we can start blogging about these advocacies. Taking the first step is probably the best thing we can do and I do not mean creating a new blog for that topic, even a category for that particular topic.


With these different answers, the Weekly Question #15 is about niche blogging:

If you are to start a new blog focusing mainly on a particular topic or niche, what would your niche blogging be all about?

My answer:

Since I already have my Special Education blog, which is primarily a blog about Special Education topics, I know another niche blog would be in the making.

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Population Explosion in the Philippines

The Philippines is the world’s 12th most populous country, with a population of over 90 million as of 2008. This is according to this article.

This is not surprising, given the stance of the Catholic Church on birth control method. Click here for the official Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines statement on Contraceptive Mentality.

The way the government seem to agree with the church regarding the issue is also a factor which contributed to the fact that the population boom is escalating and there are really clear actions how to stop the numbers from escalating.

The USAID has been supporting The Philippine Family Program for years and the objectives that they have outlined are agreeable with me. Click here to read the Factsheet.


The WQ#11 was inspired by the answer of Lovelyn to WQ#10 regarding the Little Girl and I want to know your opinion on this very important and controversial topic of Family Planning Issues and the ballooning population of the country:

Should people heed the call of the Catholic Church to not use artificial means of contraception/reproductive health products and services OR should they go ahead, talk to their doctors and plan for how they want to practice family planning?

My answer:

I believe in the stance of the church that people should not contradict the “fruitfulness of human reproductive capacities given by the Creator and hence are morally wrong”. But on second thought, the church should not pass judgment on people regarding their stance on the use of artificial contraception as morally wrong.

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